A Virtual Employee (VE) is just like a regular employee but working remotely.

When you sign up you will be asked the skills you require your VE to have. This way we can find a great match for you. However, most of our VEs have excellent English and communication skills.

Our assistants have neutral English accents. You can listen to some of our voice samples, just send us an email.

All of our VEs are University graduates and specialize in a range of different backgrounds such as Marketing, Finance, Business, Public Relations, Programming, Design, etc.

The skillset will differ between VEs depending on which professional you require and how much experience you need.

Our dedicated VEs have different backgrounds. All of the VEs have experience using Microsoft Office and are proficient in most CRMs. Depending on your requirements, some VEs can use accounting software, design software, programming environments and CMS’s. 

Yes. If your VE has not used a particular software that you are using, our In-house training staff will support them in learning it, so you don’t need to spend time training.

We can start scoping your needs right away. On-boarding for individuals and small teams typically begins within 3-5 days.

Typically our VEs will work from 9:00am – 6:00pm Monday to Friday, according to your time zone. Extended weekday and weekend hours may be arranged on a customized basis.

You will be notified by our customer relations manager and we will adjust the payment according to the extra hours worked.

You can contact your VE via Phone, Email, Skype, Whatsapp or any other form of communication you prefer.

Our phone systems are Voice Over IP (VOIP) and we make sure all the VEs have a great internet connection to guarantee the quality of all calls.

Yes, we will povide all relevant softwares and tools so the VE can make calls anywhere in the world.

Yes, absolutely. They are 100% familiar with the Western culture. Additionally most of our VEs have either studied or lived abroad.

Before hiring, all applicants go through an extensive background check so all of our VEs are trustworthy. There has never been a breach with any of our clients, BUT in the unlikely event that this does happen, we can assure you that our legal department will take necessary action to resolve the matter immediately.

We use a suite of technology and management practices to securely and safely enable login sharing between you and your VE.

We provide Employee Monitoring Software which tracks their productivity and performance, including Time Tracking, Activity Tracking, Attendance Management and much more. Depending on your preference we can send daily, weekly or monthly reports with all of the activities your VE has worked on and what tasks are still pending.

No. Your monthly fee covers the employee’s salary, benefits, vacation time, office space and equipment. It includes scanning, emailing, data input, unlimited calls etc.

You are not obliged to provide bonuses, but if you feel your VE deserves a bonus, we ensure 100% transparency and do not take any percentage. We deposit the funds directly to the VEs account.

Yes there will be a contract before onboarding a VE. The minimum term of contract we offer is 2 months. However you can cancel at any time and only pay for hours worked. There is no cancellation fee and once you cancel, you will not be billed anymore.
